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There is a reason why people make a distinction between "Programming" and "Software Engineering". Programming is just the act of writing code. All you have to do is learn a programming language and you are set.

"Software Engineering" encompasses everything else on top of programming. You need knowledge of these things: build systems (Make/Gradle), filesystems, networking (IP/TCP/HTTP), Data formats (JSON/XML), Databases(SQL/KV), software architecture, layout/styling, documentation (both reading and writing). This list is just scratching the surface but we can agree that all of these things are critical to build applications.

These topics clearly aren't exclusive to "Programming" and knowing them doesn't mean you are a "Programmer". You could also be a sysadmin that is managing a large cluster for multiple applications. But if you are a Software Engineer and not just a mere "Programmer" you know that your job is much much more difficult than merely the "Programmer" part.

Is software engineering a real engineering discipline, though? I have a hard time saying yes when "software engineers" make mistakes that are well documented, no certification is necessary, and it isn't a legal definition.

Man, the people who push certification systems on the software engineering community really burn my biscuits.

I haven't seen a certification system that wasn't either a money-grab (product-specific certifications, like Windows or Novell), a power-grab (by someone like the IEEE, where the tests were half electrical engineering and the software bits were garbage practices from the 70s and 80s), or a way to artificially restrict the number of available practitioners (arguably another money-grab).

No certification system is going to magically make large systems easier to write or whisk away bugs. Writing software is hard. It's that simple. People who have spent their entire careers writing software, from industry luminaries that you read about every day to the really, really good engineers you've never heard of, who are absolute wizards, these people are still writing howlingly bad bugs because writing software is hard.

You can have your certifications and legal requirements for training and so on, just don't pretend they will improve the state of the art. The best you can do is hold people's feet to the fire after they make mistakes, and if the best people in the industry can't be perfect, why would we expect threats of punishment to fix anything?

Engineering is about designing and building systems, usually with cost, time and reliability constraints. It's totally separate from whatever liability framework is being enforced this week.

It's not about being perfect, it's about being fault tolerant, just like regular engineering. I think especially for safety-critical situations (cough Boeing cough) there needs to be stringent, formal standards for quality, review, and training. It should not be possible to cheap out or ship a pile of duct-taped garbage in some situations, and that requires external review by subject matter experts. (Not necessarily government bodies, especially with the regulatory capture and brain drain going on right now.)

I think kabdib's point is that the incentives of certification authorities aren't aligned with the purported goal of the certification process. We already have all sorts of certifications (in specific technologies, "agile" practices, etc.) but I don't think most engineers see those certifications as providing any value.

The only thing I'm aware of that seems to actually work is to hold engineers accountable for results and give them the autonomy to set their own process. I would argue that even very rigorous methodologies like NASA's Systems Engineering[0] process match that description.

[0] https://www.nasa.gov/connect/ebooks/nasa-systems-engineering...


I am a "Software Engineer". I hold a Professional Engineer designation by APEGS, my schooling was for Software Engineering. I advocate for regulation in the industry but also don't think it needs to be sweeping and catch-all.

My job has me working within Industrial Control environments. Programming mistakes can kill people or damage equipment worth millions. When I receive a software package from someone I want to have some trust in a system that this person wasn't hired off the street for lowest wage. My employer has a good reputation in our industry and is asked to come clean up messes from programmers overseas who provide a bad system and walk away from it.

If your job doesn't have you playing with lives of people or holding the wellbeing of a company in your hands then regulation shouldn't be as stringent. But to say that every project of that magnitude has an Engineer overseeing and holding responsibility over it isn't overreaching imo.

I think they were advocating something along the lines of a Public Engineer certification, not the trivially useless certifications we have today. One of the things making programming difficult are inexperienced people kibitzing with management and telling them the reason things are taking so long is the experienced people are gold-plating everything. Professional certifications would go a long way toward solving that problem.

OTOH, not every engineering project requires a PE - and the same would be true for programming as well. Unless money, lives or other regulatory items were on the line then a PE would not be required. That would still leave the overwhelming majority of software not requiring any form of certification for its creators. So there's that.

I think you meant to say Professional Engineer rather than Public Engineer

You would also have to dismiss mechanical and electrical engineers then, right? Licensing requirements are only ubiquitous in civil engineering.

Depends on how you define "real engineer." In the US, you do not need a certification to call yourself an engineer.

In my state, you need a license to offer engineering services to the public, but not if you work for an industrial employer. However, your design may have to go through a regulatory approval process, and the people who are hired for that work are licensed engineers. In some fields such as civil and nuclear engineering, so much of the work is regulatory, that they only hire licensed engineers as a matter of course.

In my view, "engineer" is getting harder to define. At my workplace, anybody who does anything techy and has a degree is an "engineer" if in the product development department, or a "scientist" if in R&D. Only a small handful of the engineers do what a traditionalist would recognize as "hard" quantitative engineering. Most of the work is fitting building blocks together, troubleshooting, bureaucracy, etc.

There are people who know how to construct reliable software, Joe Armstrong having been one. I don't think this knowledge has crystalised into a profession yet.

It has, I think devops in its ideal form is basically that.

Yes, because you can be a chartered engineer off the back of software development experience and a CS Masters. There isn't a more definitive way to say yes or no than that imo.

Really? I have a CS Masters and people question my abilities all the time.

Must be the tits.

This is in the UK but yeah - you can get Chartered status for sure!

Doesn’t mean people won’t question your abilities but it helps with signalling

> Is software engineering a real engineering discipline, though?

Maybe it isn't yet, but I hope that there will come a day in my lifetime that it is.


With such a list, one would hope software engineering becomes a protected title

But will that really help though? It'll just be another mechanism for signaling, but that doesn't mean it will improve the situation, because the technology moves so fast that it's virtually impossible for the certification to be relevant, unless you mandate that software engineers get a certificate every year in some arbitrary newest technologies.

Engineering is a field where we understand the fundamentals. Changes from year to year or even decade to decade aren't going to uproot half of the things you know about it. In software that can very much be the case.

Goodhart's Law applies, so you can't have a set-and-forget certification process. It can be a dynamic process. And just perhaps, we should disincentivize trying to launch new technologies when the institutional knowledge is not there yet. I wonder how many of those security compromises come from bad tradeoffs trying to "keep up with the Joneses" instead of addressing technical debt and knowledge gaps?

The problem is that this is an industry of tinkerers. A lot of projects started out and continue to be maintained by people that do it as a side project. How are you going to police that? People seem to build software as a hobby and sometimes that morphs into a library.

If a tinkering structural engineer designed some new type of, say, a joist, would builders just throw it into a new structure because it's new, or would it need a vetting and review process before becoming a structural dependency? Review doesn't need to happen at the creative level, just at the level where new code gets integrated in some non-trivial, safety-critical deployment. That happens informally now, as people submit issues, pull requests, etc. for projects that they're interested in, but sometimes that is not enough and calls for something more rigorous, like the peer review process in science. Things like the npm left-pad incident clearly show that we're favoring expediency and speed far too much over resiliency. Software now in many places is where architecture was before building codes and fire escapes.

I think the label "software engineer" carries as much or as little meaning as "sailor" in a naval context.

A "sailor" could be a captain, cook, look-out, marconist, machinist, steward,... anyone who's enlisted on a ship doing a set of tasks to keep things going.

Is a technical writer a software engineer then? I would say so, yes. Why? Because they are involved in an intrinsic part of the entire process of building and maintaining a piece of software.

The problem with "software engineer" as you frame them, is that you also raise the bar to an incredibly high to attain level as things stand today. Why? Because of how the field has kept on compounding ever more complexity over the past decades. It's extremely hard for mere mortals to memorize a a vast and ever changing corpus of knowledge and experience, be able to dive deeply in any codebase and understand all the parts while also have time left to write detailed, readable and understandable technical documentation.

Case in point: Virtually everyone has a gazillion tabs open with an equal number of googled StackExchange posts.

To keep up with the analogy: I don't think the radio-operator will act as a navigator; and neither does the navigator know the fine details of how the innards of a radio look like.

Hence why you most software engineers are specialists in their trade. And often, specialists in a small fraction of the entire knowledge domain.

Regardless, software engineers are without a shred of doubt programmers. Programming is exactly that: feeding a Von Neumann machine a list of instructions in order to "make it do" something. No more, no less. It doesn't matter what your role is in that process - defining the problem, working on an instruction set, typing the instruction set into the machine, documenting the instruction set, verifying the output,... - you're basically a programmer.

The primary reason why we call ourselves "software engineers", really only is because Margret Hamilton - thé Margaret Hamilton of the Apollo AGC computer - came up with the label in order to legitimize the work she and her team did at NASA:


In fact, the rise of complexity has caused a "software crisis "in the late '60s to '80s. And it was named as such: a "software crisis":


All that is old becomes new again. The more I read about the history of our discipline, the more I'm convinced that we are just chasing our own tails over and over again.

Arguing over who is a "programmer" and who is a "software engineer" is - ultimately - basically arguing over semantics and marketing.

At the end of the day, the world doesn't care how the pie was made. They simply want to be able to fly safe, watch TV and file their taxes efficiently.

“All that is old becomes new again. The more I read about the history of our discipline, the more I'm convinced that we are just chasing our own tails over and over again.”

It’s a curious thing about our industry: not only do we not learn from our mistakes, but we also don’t learn from our successes. – Keith Braithwaite

I wouldn't even call that a software engineer. That's a dev. A software engineer can promise an sla and understand what factors go into that sla and what constraints, when violated, lead to the sla being out of compliance.

This is analogous to, for example, a civil engineer certifying a bridge for a certain load with a safety factor.

But what to do if you have a CS degree with knowledge of all the things you mentioned and perhaps more, but people keep calling you "programmer"?

As long as I'm paid a software engineering salary to develop software, I could be called a clown for all the difference it makes.

If you're programming, you're a programmer. Or a coder. Or a software developer. Or a software engineer. There is no consensus on the distinction between any of these things. Just lots of people with opinions because it's easy to have an opinion on.

Titles are both a bikeshed and something that can have significant impact on salary, unfortunately. As long as non-technical recruiters are hiring based on buzzwords, it matters.

A science degree is not an engineering degree, and one is not practicing science in their hot startup. So, fair enough.

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