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All bubbles are Pyramid schemes. That's the definition. See The Financial Instability Hypothesis by Hyman Minsky:



When the economy reaches the third phase of "Ponzi Finance," entities must recruit additional investments to meet their interest payment obligations. This is the classic pyramid scheme and also frequently called a bubble when it's referring to a financial market.

Ponzi scheme, Pyramid scheme and bubble are all synonyms.

Not really. A bubble can be a self-organising Ponzi scheme - earnings from Yahoo came from advertising which was paid for by capital going into the tech bubble; and the pre-GFC US economy was arguably one giant bubble (with earnings being paid by people who were willing to do overtime to keep their million dollar houses out to the hock), but it's not quite the same thing.

They do have the same (or similar) dynamics though.

You can't just equate Minsky's 'Ponzi Finance' with a 'Ponzi Scheme' just because they both have the word 'Ponzi' in them. Minsky used the idea of a Ponzi scheme in creating his own technical term to describe speculative borrowing.

Also, Minsky's theory of financial instability doesn't apply to all bubbles, it's a theory concerned with financial instability as a result of increasingly speculative debt and borrowing. You can have a bubble without debt.

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