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RIM Needs to Shut Up and Ship (daringfireball.net)
13 points by shawndumas on Feb 17, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

This isn't uncommon, but it's certainly annoying. Video card manufacturers got so bad at "releasing" products which no one could buy for months, that most respectable review sites simply refused to write anything about them. The problem seems mostly solved in that market (for now).

I remember Microsoft announcing the Zune (I think) and making a Big Deal about it being $X cheaper than the iPod touch. Problem is, by the time it shipped some 9 months later (or so), Apple had cut the price. (Microsoft is notoriously bad with this in general...anyone remember the years of WinFS marketing speak?)

Marketing Driven Development?

Why do blog posts by Gruber consisting of paltry quotes paired with single lines of text make it onto HN's front page?

The original post is here: http://www.loopinsight.com/2011/02/16/rim-needs-to-shut-up-a...

Is HN so enamored with Gruber that we'll upvote what is essentially a retweet onto the frontpage without any mention of the original?

For better or worse, Gruber posts usually have lively discussion threads on HN. Hard to avoid the inevitable flame wars though...

Thank you - that is the post that should have been submitted.

I'm surprised that Mr. Gruber patience with RIM is so limited (six months, really?) given that he was anticipating the iPad's immanent release as early as November 2007.


I wasn't aware that Apple announced the iPad in 2007.

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