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From Ian Murdock's wikipedia page, the debian's founder: "He named Debian after his then-girlfriend (later wife) Debra Lynn, and himself (Deb and Ian).[3] They later married, had three children, and divorced in January 2008.[4]"

Sadly, Ian committed suicide in late 2015. It's great to see that the distro is still going strong.

I remember back around 2005, I missed meeting him by a ~week. My college Linux users group was having a birthday party for Debian, and Ian was an alumnus of that school, so he was going to attend. It was right before the semester started, so I was out of town.

He said:

> Debian releases

Not Debian itself.

From "A Brief History of Debian, Chapter 3 - Debian Releases" [0]:

> This was the first Debian release with a code name. It was taken, like all others so far, from a character in one of the Toy Story movies...

"Bo" was the first version of Debian that I played with. I switched to Debian "full-time" shortly after "Hamm" came about.

[0]: https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/project-history/ch-releas...

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