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As far as ads go, this was the most convincing sell I've seen for a high end computer in a long time. Good job to whoever is doing the marketing.

Perhaps to their target market ... I looked at it and thought 'hmmm, 44 seconds to do a simple image transform sounds pretty slow ....'. I assume it was a very high resolution image or thousands of slices or something but without them stating those metrics it was a bit meaningless to me.

edit: OK I downloaded the image and see it's gigantic ... I reckon they should at least hint at that for the folks who are not quite over the threshold of spending the time to do their experiment ...

The universe is big..

I thought the exact opposite. 44 seconds to do a circular motion blur (without any context) as the headline, huh??? What would an average person reading that think?

Of course, after downloading the universe image (which itself took a long time), then it's kind of understandable. Otherwise, it's just confusing as hell. "44 seconds to radial blur the universe" would have at least been better.

I was almost convinced to follow their steps to compile he Linux kernel out of curiosity to see how my machine stacks up. ;)

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