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Very cool idea! I also like that the provider script was written in Ruby, makes it easy to start hacking on it.

I converted it to Crystal for a bit more speed and safety, you can find it here if you're interested: https://git.io/JvnCm

  Ruby execution time: 0.09 real         0.07 user         0.02 sys

  Crystal execution time: 0.00 real         0.00 user         0.00 sys

Thank you!

I've been using this app for a long time. It makes me way more productive.

If you use it, I would like to learn about your use cases. Please do share.

and, wow, even for a simple code, Crystal is this faster than Ruby.

Most of my use cases include converting values between currencies or measuring units. I mostly use Numi for that but having a simple tooltip is so much better.

I also plan to use it for information that I can't memorize easily. Like a mapping between GPIO pins for microcontrollers, I never remember what pin does what. With this I can simply create a hashmap with something like GPIO23 as the key, and info about that pin as the value and have that always at my fingertips.

Or things like displaying Google Maps urls for words that look like places, mail app urls for email addresses, Spotify search URI for artists etc. It's a very useful and powerful tool if you can come up with ideas for it.

Perfect. Yes, this tooltip is built to save a few clicks for this kind of workflow.

If you have feedback or suggestion, please don't hesitate to reach out in github or here.

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