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Java SE 6u24 (oracle.com)
17 points by rschildmeijer on Feb 15, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

They can't seem to get auto update working for Windows 64-bit JDK. Need to uninstall and install on every update. May be by JDK 8 or so we might have a chance of getting that.

the famous floating point glitch seems to fixed

They've had that available for a week:


This fixes a number of other vulnerabilities:


Also, as I understand it from another story, 6u24 doesn't break the update mechanism, while the FP bug patch does/did.

Ah, here's the mention, in the ReadMe link located in your first linked document:


The FPUpdater tool is not intended for use on systems managed through auto-update as this will disable future auto-updates. We recommend that you wait until the next Critical Patch Update (CPU) when you can update your installation by going to http://java.com/latest .

(Whether you want auto-update is, I guess, a separate question, though not an insignificant one.)

When do we get closures?

It has been extremely well documented that closures are planned for Java 8. If you absolutely, positively can't wait, anonymous inner classes are your best work-around at the moment. However, it turns out you can, in fact, get by without closures.

Or is this just a thinly veiled attempt to insult the current state of Java? If so, it might be more productive to simply choose a different programming language that you like better.

Whoa! Slow down, buddy. Didn't mean to push your buttons there. You're right, I do get by just fine using inner classes, and will continue to do so. I was just wondering for the pure convenience of making code prettier.

So it's now "Java for Business"...

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