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BBB National Programs |https://bbbprograms.org/| ONSITE (Washington, DC Metro Area)

BBB National Programs (BBB NP) fosters trust, innovation, and competition in the marketplace through the development and delivery of cost-effective third-party self-regulation, dispute resolution and other programs. BBB NP is the national self-regulatory unit of the former Council of Better Business Bureaus (CBBB).

BBB NP is where corporations, industry, and trade associations work together to address issues of national and international importance, and to foster industry best practices in truth-in-advertising, child-directed marketing, data privacy, and dispute resolution.

We are hiring for a Digital Advertising Compliance Specialist. To view the full job description, please visit our careers site: https://bbbprograms.org/careers

Qualified applicants may e-mail their cover letter and resume to achoi@bbbnp.org


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