Documented insanity is still insanity. A very clear example that was luckily removed quite quickly: php_check_syntax.[1]
> Check the PHP syntax of (and execute) the specified file
This function's name and its documentation suggest completely different use-cases. In fact, it apparently does the one thing I wouldn't expect it to do based on the name. It's insane, and it cannot be excused just because the insanity is documented.
The example given by GP is a lot more subtle, but this is not a good argument to make.
I accept that, but I still don't really understand the issue, which programming language can I pick where I don't need to read about what does what, I don't feel any language is intuitive per se?
Seriously, I've worked with coders where English is a second language, they literally had no idea that the combination of letters making up words we recognise were anything but symbolic of the function.