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Show HN: Cliplingo – turns YouTube into spaced repetition language learning (cliplingo.com)
5 points by Ondrej72 on Feb 2, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

What was originally a simple tool for my own learning and memorising, turned into a real project for everyone.

Youtube is full of great content for learning videos. But there hasn’t been a way to organise them with spaced repetition. I love to learn the grammar or collocations from YT videos but then I fail to remember what I’ve just learned.

Cliplingo automatically prompts the video from the lesson that need to be revised, by the rules of spaced repetition. Each repetition will play a different video with the given topic, so you will not see the same video over and over again.

Currently working on my French - was super interested to use this but it's not working.

Looks like the request to:


Returns an empty video id: https://pastebin.com/8JemA2T3

Hopefully you can fix it soon - super excited to use it!

Thanks for heads up! It is fixed now.

Hi there. I have a search for spaced repetition running, which is how I discovered this :)

Looks nice to me! Spaced repetition is usually used for recall though, so actively trying to reproduce what you've learned. Any plans to incorporate that?

Cliplingo automatically prompts the video from the lesson that need to be revised, by the rules of spaced repetition - so I think this will help you to recall the learning material.

The intervals for revision get longer with each revision, that is until you retain everything in your long-term memory

You can learn more how the spaced repetition is applied in Cliplingo in the short screencast here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrMW8oFUG8I

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