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I wrote code to repeat the wpe variable N times along the context axis during model load time.

Specifically, the code checks whether the model's shape is greater than the shape from the snapshot on disk. If so, it repeats the shape from the snapshot on disk N times to fill the expected greater shape.

At that point, you can just set context window to a larger value, then train.

Is that essentially repeating the position embedding? I'm surprised that works, since the model should have no way to distinguish between the (e.g.) 1st and 513th token. (If I'm understanding this correctly.)

Yeah, it seems to "work" in the sense that if you repeat wpe size (1024, 768) three times, so that it becomes (3072, 768), then the model can successfully generate up to 1024 tokens.

Generating more tokens seems to work up to a point -- you can probably generate up to 1050 tokens with this technique. But at a certain point, more tokens = gibberish.

The cure is to train the new wpe layer the same way you'd train the smaller one. But this also means you don't have to start training from scratch.

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