1. Khumbu is an image search engine based on computer vision and deep learning.
2. Workflow: upload your images via API or web app and run search queries via API/app.
3. Right now it provides object detection, classification, exif extraction, face detection, nsfw scoring.
4. Tech details: images are processed using celery workers, after that all information is moved to ElasticSearch to serve user queries. Most part is deployed in k8s cluster, but some processing is done on remote machines with GPUs.
Soon we want to add:
1. face recognition (public and user specific faces)
Current status - MVP
I have been working on this project during last 12 month and now want to show it to community and ask for some feedback.
Demo search: https://app.khumbu.im/search/5dff72e66483e25b40e0222e
So what is this?
1. Khumbu is an image search engine based on computer vision and deep learning.
2. Workflow: upload your images via API or web app and run search queries via API/app.
3. Right now it provides object detection, classification, exif extraction, face detection, nsfw scoring.
4. Tech details: images are processed using celery workers, after that all information is moved to ElasticSearch to serve user queries. Most part is deployed in k8s cluster, but some processing is done on remote machines with GPUs.
Soon we want to add: 1. face recognition (public and user specific faces)
2. similarity search (based on embeddings)
3. search images of specific place
4. better query processing (synonyms/related terms etc).
NOTE: Sorry, but right now indexing is disabled due to high cost of GPUs.