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I don't want meat washed in vinegar, bleh. Maybe co-incidentally, that's how some supermarkets used to prolong the shelf life of meat once it started becomming smelly and sticky. Just washed it like that in vinegar, and re-packaged it. Like 20 years ago. Thanks but no thanks.

...meat... in vinegar, bleh...

Do you really not like chicken adobo? You are the first [non-vegetarian] person I've ever encountered for whom this is the case.

Never tried. I like chicken that can taste good baked with just a bit of salt on top.

Usually it's a checiken not produced like this: https://youtu.be/RV-rO2-Rwz4?t=63 that taste like nothing without seasoning or marinade.

I might try that with meat that has started to go bad in my fridge. Seems like a good way to avoid waste.

Not sure if sarcasm or not, but please don't try that. You can use vinegar or other acidic marinades to prolong its edibility, but only before it has started to rot.

Cooking it would still sterilize whatever was rotting it, wouldn't it?

Yeah, but that does not necessarily make it edible again. Rotting is basically just all the little critters (bacteria, funghi) around us digesting it, which gradually turns the object in question into their output. That output can be toxic for us humans, and doesn't necessarily break down into digestable substances during cooking. I'm not very knowledgable on the topic and processes, so ymmv, but I wouldn't try it, food poisoning isn't very pleasant.

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