New owners and a pivoted product means, in effect, that you all got unwillingly transferred to a new company with new bosses. People are deciding for themselves if they like the new reality or not, and it is not uncommon to have an exodus in such situations. It does not necessarily indicate that the new owners and products have inherent problems, it simply indicates that it is not what people signed up for.
You have two possible scenarios (in general):
1) The new owners are competent, the pivot was a good move, and the company is in a good place. If this is the scenario, it could be good for you to be someone who has been around through the changes, and are now a bigger fish in a smaller pond.
2) Those things are not true, the owners do not know what they are doing, and are flailing, still trying to find product/market fit, or have other problems. In this scenario, leave. They might work out the problems and succeed in the long run, but it won't be a pleasant ride.
You have two possible scenarios (in general):
1) The new owners are competent, the pivot was a good move, and the company is in a good place. If this is the scenario, it could be good for you to be someone who has been around through the changes, and are now a bigger fish in a smaller pond.
2) Those things are not true, the owners do not know what they are doing, and are flailing, still trying to find product/market fit, or have other problems. In this scenario, leave. They might work out the problems and succeed in the long run, but it won't be a pleasant ride.