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There has been a severe population-level decline in testosterone levels since the environment was flooded with xenoestrogens. This is a major global problem.


Soy is optional and consumed voluntarily, but BPA and other such chemicals have a significantly more potent long term effect, and contaminates everything it touches.

Yes, BPA accumulates in body fat. However, the environment has also been flooded with pornography which could also be responsible for the decline in testosterone/sperm counts, no?

No. This is not a trivial matter. The decline starts around the mid 20th century, is occurring globally, and levels have reduced by standard deviations from the old norm. Read up on it. It's way more serious than you think.

You're right, it isn't a trivial matter. However, neither has it been well explained. For example, how exactly has porn been ruled out? Porn also grew steadily since mid 20th C...

Correlation is not causation. Computing performance has also increased significantly since the mid 20th. Should we blame Intel for the drop in T levels? Where the hell do you get the idea that porn reduces testosterone? Research shows that watching porn increases testosterone levels in men https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2799222/

And then it remains silent.

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