I'm not generally sympathetic to the "domain investor" types, but this quote from domain investor Rick Schwartz I feel is spot on and has been my thought since "day one" of the new TLDs
> "As we go into the seventh year of the new gTLD experiment, they are meaningless. They haven’t been adopted by almost anybody. Circulation is poor. So many registrations are questionable or penny-promotional. The majority are parked and not in use nor will they ever be. And 99.9% of the people on this planet could not name a single one of them! Not a one!"
Mostly the new gTLDs (actually I think the ccTLDs are at fault, but I'm going to whine anyway) mean I no longer know where to put the dots in a domain name. Is it CoolBanan.as? CoolBana.nas? Cool.Ban.an.as? Fuck it, I'm going to the grocery store instead.
> "As we go into the seventh year of the new gTLD experiment, they are meaningless. They haven’t been adopted by almost anybody. Circulation is poor. So many registrations are questionable or penny-promotional. The majority are parked and not in use nor will they ever be. And 99.9% of the people on this planet could not name a single one of them! Not a one!"
Full article: http://domainincite.com/25103-di-leaders-roundtable-4-big-pr...