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If you like terminal games, you might be interested in my Bash Arkanoid clone!

It's packed with cool text graphics, animations, sound effects, paddle acceleration, side spin, and power-ups. Clone, inspect, play with Q and P keys.


I employed a number of tricks. The ones I am particularly proud of are:

- The title screen, which uses the iconic old-school wavy text effect. To make this fast in Bash, I ended up precomputing the table of sin that determines the offset of each slice:


- The rendering system required to get all this to run a smooth, consistent 60fps on both linux and macs, without blocking key reading. It sends itself an ALRM signal trap to run the game loop in a co-process, much similarly to how it's usually done with `requestAnimationFrame`:


- The deferred frame-buffer drawing mode:


Hope you enjoy it :)

Runs at ~5 fps on alacritty. I wouldn't have thought it would be so different on alternate terminals.

Yes, it's impressive how much difference there is. There are ways to improve each, but this is the best cross-terminal solution I found.

Do you have the same results with your other terminal emulators?

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