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What the Internet revolution looked like in 1994 (wired.com)
38 points by deepu_256 on Feb 13, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

That was a great read. It gave me the desire to add my own information to the Net using the point and click interface on this hypermedia document.

I hear that you can turn words into freakin' links with the proper code.

this is CGI script!

Jim Clark's partner at Mosaic Communications, a 23-year-old University of Illinois graduate named Marc Andreessen, will tell you with a straight face that he expects Mosaic Communications's Mosaic to become the world's standard interface to electronic information.

A straight face, indeed.

I have the first 7 or 8 years of Wired in a box in the basement. Every so often it's fun to crack one open and do a little time travel back to the wild and wooly days of the internet.

I know most of the articles are online now, but sometimes the ads are the killer thing.

What was interesting for me is that CSS was developing around the same time. The first draft was released right around the time of Netscape 0.9.

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