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I don't have my dotfile here (on my phone) but here's some ideas from things I've aliased that I use a lot:

cdd : like cd but can take a file path

- : cd - (like 1-level undo for cd)

.. : cd ..

... : cd ../.. (and so on up to '.......')

nd : like cd but enter the dir too

udd : go up (cd ..) and then rmdir

xd : search for arg in parent dirs, then go as deep as possible on the other branch (like super-lazy cd, actually calls a python script).

ai : edit alias file and then source it

Also I set a bindkey (F5 I think) that types out | awk '{print}' followed by the left key twice so that the cursor is in the correct spot to start awk'in ;D

# Bind F5 to type out awk boilerplate and position the cursor

bindkey -c -s "^[[[E" " | awk '{print }'^[[D^[[D"

Edit: better formatting (and at work now so pasted the bindkey)

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