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> Clearly no one actually cares about the bug, and "chiming in" is apparently considered rude.

I clarified this a bit more in my article.

> Then some day I respond to a forum post by someone asking about experiences with your software, and relate mine. Apparently this is also rude, and I should have filed a bug report.

... that is definitely not what I said. What I said was this:

> Unconstructively whining about software on [insert social medium here].

I'm not sure how this means you can't post constructive critical feedback. That's certainly fair game.

I actually came to this HN thread specifically looking for the word “chime” because it seemed so at odds w/ what I would personally consider rude.

I hope you don’t think this comment is also rude!

Anyway, let me say, ripgrep is an amazing fucking tool. Really love it. <3

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