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Tech products, culture designed for mass deception:Ex-Google ethicist testifies (sociable.co)
8 points by jtjones92 on Jan 17, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

Slightly click-baity title but very important issue to discuss and enact regulations over. The problem has become pervasive and "the people" need to take control back. Some quotes;

...This is now the infrastructure by which 2.7 billion people — bigger than the size of Christianity.”...“YouTube has north of 2 billion users, more than the followers of Islam...

...Tech platforms arguably have more psychological influence over two billion people’s daily thoughts and actions when considering that millions of people spend hours per day within the social world that tech has created, checking hundreds of times a day.”

Technology companies creating this dark infrastructure “manipulate our sense of identity, self-worth, relationships, beliefs, actions, attention, memory, physiology and even habit-formation processes, without proper responsibility,”...

Money quote;

...technology has basically taken all the laws of the physical world and virtualized it in a virtual world with no laws — what happens when we have no laws for an entire virtualized infrastructure?...

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