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How much of that is it reasonable to do as an immigrant?

Aren't police allowed too search all sorts of things with easy excuse? My refusal is a form of escalation especially since they can arrest me on whatever, then let me go, and that alone could jeopardize my immigration status (all those visa questionnaires starting with "have you ever been arrested").

Why concede your adversary any advantage.

By calmly and clearly asserting your rights, you're preserving whatever slight edge you have. All the better if there are witnesses or recordings.

Allowing searches, answering questions, fleeing, or resisting, all work against you. Stating you don't assent, clarifying that requests are orders, and complying under protest, are options.

"Good (morning|day|evening) officer" is a good starting response. It makes clear that you aren't rattled, and concedes nothing.

And no, immigrants (or minorities) don't start with a fair break. But you can keep from letting that disadvantage erode further.

Slow movements, hands in sight, etc., all help.

If you consent to the search, what's to say they don't hose you anyway?


Immigrants have most of the same constitutional rights as citizens in the US. I’m particular, the 4th and 5th amendments still apply.

Chances are that if they were going to arrest you after refusing to talk or allow them to search, they were going to arrest you anyway.

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