Before you all jump on me for not reading HN (yes, I know there's a browser push story on HN right now) let me clarify what I mean by "browser push."
I want to be able to push a message to my chrome browser. I think it's stupid that to receive Gmail notifications I have to have Gmail open in a tab. I don't want to have to install app-specific extensions (Gmail checker in chrome for example.) I want to be able to install 1 extension (Like a growl/chrome mashup) which allows any website to push updates to my browser w/o me having a tab open to that site. For example, w/o Gmail open, Gmail could push an update to all my devices (it already does this to my Nexus) telling me I have a new email. The extension I have in mind would have a standard way of pushing certain bits of data (Notifications vs popups vs a webpage vs another extension message)
Does such a extension exist? If not, why the hell not?