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Playing devil's advocate but I have worked for Airbus for a couple of years and for each aircraft designed in the past 20 years (A380, A400M, A350), I can find dozens of workers ready to say that plane was 'designed by clowns who in turn are supervised by monkeys'.

Such an unsubstantiated declaration is covered in news just because is is compliant with what is known because of other, better documented sources about the failures at Boeing that led to the 737MAX fiasco but it brings zero information.

I've worked with mechanical fitters for quite a few years now and going by what they say I don't think there's a single machine ever built that wasn't designed by clowns.

> I can find dozens of workers ready to say that plane was 'designed by clowns who in turn are supervised by monkeys'.

But are they saying it as a form of venting, or in the context of bringing up serious concerns? And do they say this consistently, refusing to accept the validity of the design?

The truly damning part was "I wouldn't let my family fly on a plane where the pilot was trained on MAX simulator".

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