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> Dependencies are cattle, not pets.

That doesn't make any sense. That analogy works for mostly-identical computers, where if your software won't run on one computer you can just use another mostly-identical computer.

Almost by definition dependencies are not interchangeable. You can't replace a routine to pad strings with a routine that is a web server. Or a matrix multiplier. Even dependencies that do the same overall job almost never have the same API. Heck, even the same dependency often ends up with a different incompatible API over time as versions change.

> There's nothing wrong with having zillions of them; what you need is good tools to manage them in bulk.

Every added dependency is a risk. Each unintentional vulnerability in each dependency increases the number of vulnerabilities that might be exploitable in your system. And that's just the unintentional vulnerabilities.

Practically all systems provide no useful sandboxing between dependencies, so if any one of your transitive dependencies is malicious, then your entire system is malicious.

Every new dependency also brings in potential license issues, per this article. I think it's unacceptable to have a scarefest about the AGPL, GPL, or LGPL; for a vast number of applications those licenses are just fine. The bigger risks are software that has no license at all, which are a legal risk for any project that uses them until governments change international treaties involving copyright (which is not likely any time soon). But it's certainly true that various licenses are not acceptable for certain situations, and every new dependency increases the risks of licensing problems.

Having no dependencies is absurd; it's uneconomic to build everything from scratch. But every time you add a dependency you need to think about the trade-off; it is sometimes wise to not reuse something.

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