I’ve recently redone our work CI setup with Typescript + Vue.JS + VueJS Bootstrap on the frontend and Typescript + Prisma on the backend - it’s been awesome so far. Took a little while to get the setup right, but it’s an excellently productive combo and I’ll continue to use it in 2020.
I’ve been stumbling over issues with Vue and TypeScript tooling playing nice.
Seems like the issues I hit either have open issues or I can’t find reasonable solutions. Most recently I tried to convert a Vue app to TS and never could figure out what knobs to turn (even copying over configs from a new, clean run of vue create didn’t work).
Have you had similar troubles or have you always been able to set up a clean project?
The last time I tried, I used vue-cli to initialise the project and it “just worked” in that sense. Converting an existing JS app might be a bit trickier though - I guess you can specify at a per-component level what they’re implemented in via the script lang attribute. So basically I would go with: latest TypeScript, latest Yarn, latest Vue CLI, initialise a bank TS project, add some basic components to check everything works, move your old app components over one-by-one.