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I think the most interesting thing about this test is that it shows HTTP/2 isn't always faster than 1.1 --- in the first test, h1 compound is just as fast as h2, and in the second, even slightly faster. Considering all the additional complexity that HTTP/2 introduces, that doesn't seem like any improvement.

Also, "relative speeds" should really be "relative times" because otherwise the percentages imply the exact opposite. I was a little confused for a bit by that.

> in the first test, h1 compound is just as fast as h2

That's because HTTP/2 auto-compounds multiple requests to send in the same connection, thus there is no surprise there.

The main advantage of HTTP/2 is that it ensures that we can get the same benefit of compound data transfers in a completely transparent manner, without bothering to rearchitect how clients and servers operate.

> Considering all the additional complexity that HTTP/2 introduces, that doesn't seem like any improvement.

This assertion completely misses the whole point of HTTP/2, and why it's a huge improvement over HTTP/1.1.

> The main advantage of HTTP/2 is that it ensures that we can get the same benefit of compound data transfers in a completely transparent manner, without bothering to rearchitect how clients and servers operate.

Yea this assertion is spot-on, but sadly HTTP/2 still has enough overhead that if speed really is the most important requirement, compounding data is still better. I was hoping the difference would be at least smaller.

Also of note is having to terminate a single TCP/TLS connection per client vs one for every concurrent client request! Even if you are using a middle man like a CDN doing HTTP 1.1 pooling this is still reducing the established TCP/TLS connections by an order of magnitude or more.

I fixed the captions, thank you.

My biggest surprise was that compound requests are still faster, even if they need to send 10 times as much data (the 90% cached case).

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