Straw man. It's not black and white. Some are skeptical of the _degree_ to which the claims are true. Go watch Al Gore's 2006 documentary to see a good example of alarmist hyperbole. Some would say this movement has been hijacked by those seeking political and economic power, by those who don't care about the environment. Some would say the projected outcome is 10x exaggerated, and are suspicious of proposed "solutions" such as increase tax, transfer trillions of dollars to third world countries, setup carbon trading schemes to make investment bankers rich, and so on.
He is not a scientist. The entire discussion was about scientists engaging in group think.
Regarding skeptics to degrees
1. There are no credible skeptics in the community regarding the observation that climate has warmed in the past 100 years
2. There are nearly no credible skeptics in the community regarding the rather simple deduction that humans caused a non-trivial portion of the warming in the past 100 years
Yes. "No true Scotsman" believes such things. My point stands, that the accuracy of the models is debatable, and the extreme scenarios that are used to inform policy are quite possibly exaggerated by an order of magnitude, by influence of powerful non-scientist entities.