Most dating apps try to answer the "who" and "where", but the OP is trying to answer the "how" as well which is brilliant.
Another twist I thought might be effective was suggesting a first date based on mutual interests.
Or, one person could lead with a blanket first date offer: 2 tickets to XYZ on MM/DD. Kind of like a timed auction where they select their date partner by a specified time.
I think it would be interesting to see the variety and creativity increase when you're showcasing a first date.
Instead of creativity you will get desperate men and sugar daddies offering expensive rock/pop concert dates, and gold diggers taking advantage.
It would be more costly than even high end dinner dates, but at least your date like the same music you do?
It could work well if there is a mechanism to reduce serial abusers and moochers - maybe you can only get invited to a date after you invited someone else to one?