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This is really interesting — nice work! Have you published any tooling as OSS or examples? If you haven’t seen it before, the Model Oriented Programming work by Pieter Hintjens is worth looking at.

Not yet. Most of the stuff I've done is internal to my company unfortunately. But just to give you an idea, if I were adding a new configuration parameter to our IoT device, I would add an object to a JSON array that looks like this:

        "name": "backoff_mode",
        "group": "telemetry",
        "description": "We don't want to clog up networks with tons of failing attempts to send home telemetry. This parameter configures the device to back off attempts according to the specified mode",
        "cpptype": "std::string",
        "enum": ["none", "linear", "exponential"],
        "default_value": "exponential"
At build time, a few things are generated, including a .h file with the following:

    struct telemetry_config {
        std::string backoff_mode = "exponential"; //Possible values: ["none", "linear", "exponential"]
The boilerplate for getting and setting this parameter is also generated. Thus, just by adding that simple piece of metadata, all the boilerplate and documentation is generated and you as the developer can focus on the actual logic that needs to be implemented regarding this parameter.

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