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Ask HN: What were your achievements this year?
9 points by justaguyhere on Dec 24, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments
Career, financial, relationships, learning, business, spiritual... What did you achieve that you're most happy about?

  Managed to allocate 4 hrs/week for a sport

  After 4 years of trail and errors finally launched a product that is generating revenue

Next year Goals

  continue the 4 hrs/week for a sport to sweat

  join a startup by first quarter

  restrict to 10-15 hrs/week for the current side product

  work on another side project

Realized I didn't have to care about why my experience couldn't fit the narrative of someone else who had gone through a 'similar situation'.

Don't be judgy about someone else's experience, instead appreciate them sharing it with you. You don't have to add "I have experienced/understand that too" to every sentence from others. It's OK to not relate sometimes and understand that's why you are you, not x.

- Lose 14 kg - Triple my savings - Deliver one of the biggest project at work - Rediscover other hobbies.

Deployed solutions (for clients with different problems) on Azure,AWS and GCP.

Built a woodshed, currently stacked with 5 bush cords of hardwood for the woodstove.

Raised my rates twice.

Made double payments on my mortgage.

Started trout fishing again after a thirty year hiatus.

How much did you manage to raise your rates?

About 25% and 20%. Also structured time from individual hours to bigger time block commitments, and I invoice in advance rather than at the end of the month.

Started writing macOS and iOS apps full-time and launched 4 apps for https://mattebot.co

Finished my master`s degree and found well-paid remote work :)

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