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The potential application is hinted at with the slide "OSS-Fuzz@Home". Akin to the SETI@Home* mass-distributed computing project, this has the potential to scale in a HUGE way. Anyone with a web browser could simply load the fuzzer and contribute cycles... No need for any big downloads, any installs, special software, configuration or anything! Just visit a page and you're golden.

I wonder if Google will actually build on this. It's a great idea.

[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SETI@home

I don't think we have plans to build this for now.

I find it a really cool idea, but for now, running fuzzers natively on Google Cloud with ClusterFuzz (https://github.com/google/clusterfuzz) suits our needs.

One challenge for the WASM approach is it will always be at least as hard to build a project for WASM as it is for native.

How would this work in practice? Most if not all browsers throttle background pages.

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