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Shortcuts to see or to run on clicking on it (which seems too much effort) ?

And how do you guys have so much space at the top? I only print my local IP address and its color ( red/blue) depending on whether my mitmproxy is running or not and I don't have whole lot of space left on my MBP 15".

Hot tip for more space in your menu bar: Bartender — https://www.macbartender.com/

Another option is Vanilla: https://matthewpalmer.net/vanilla/

Not sure what you mean with the first question.

All information is displayed in the drop down menu. I’ve thought about adding a number of actionable items as an indicator but.. haven’t needed it imo

> drop down menu

I see. I do not use it like that, hence i was confused. I just need it to see a particular text, like some status.

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