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First Impressions Using Android Honeycomb, Google’s iPad Rival (techcrunch.com)
12 points by solipsist on Feb 3, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

I wonder why Google broke from Android UI branding with Honeycomb. It doesn't even seem to be consistently applied throughout. Definitely not an improvement.

Utter stupidity

"...If you long-press the desktop, you’ll bring up the widget/wallpaper selector, which some people will undoubtedly activate accidentally (and promptly panic). The third button in the bottom left corner lets you jump between recently used applications — a feature that I’ll love, but could confuse people who aren’t sure what’s going on."

This idiot thinks that long-click wallpaper widgets will cause panic and that he's smarter than all the common folk who will be too confused by the recently used apps list.

And those are his detriments to the platform? TC's staff rarely provide anything of value to the conversation.

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