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If you look at another reply, the bug was fixed already.

But to your original comment, I'd argue it's not. Saying it can't make phone calls implies there's a much more severe issue than it apparently was.

It's not fixed. What gives you the impression that it is? No update has been rolled out with a fix.

Please read the other reply to the comment. You'll see where I got the impression then.

Edit: it looks like the person also directly replied to another comment of yours, so I'll add that here:

" > and of course this "bug" hasn't been fixed

You can hear call audio if you use CI images since a few days ago already. Last rough edges are being sorted out right now before finally packaging it all into PureOS."

The "fix" hasn't been distributed out via an update. You can't expect consumers to go pull images off github. You can't call a problem "fixed" when the alleged "fix" hasn't even been distributed or tested by the public en mass.

It's still, quite plainly, ridiculous that they shipped a "phone" which could not (yet) make telephone calls. Even if they fixed the issue in a later software release, the fact remains that they shipped a product in an incomplete, partially unusable state.

Since you didn't read past the first paragraph, I'll repeat it here:

"In addition, the backers getting the phone now were explicitly told that the software isn't polished yet, and that they are getting beta hardware. The backers were offered also to be allowed to wait for a later batch if they wanted to."

Actually this is what they on their FAQ

> Q: If I receive the Librem 5 from one of the first batches, will I have a fully functional phone?

> A: Yes! Even the very earliest batches will be capable smartphone, including a modern web browser and core cell phone functionality.


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