Builtin syntax highlighting for e.g. rust is laughably bad - the treesitter highlighting is much better. Side note: I've recently switched to vscode as my main editor and so far the experience has been full of contrasts - many advanced features such as remote editing are the real gamechangers and work flawlessly, but some basic features (the aforementioned highlighting, folding, basic git integration) are notably lacking in polish. You kind of expect that if they've gotten advanced stuff right then basic stuff is surely in order, but that is not the case.
Have you tried Jetbrains IntelliJ? In my experience the IntelliJ platform is, well, if you look in the direction VS Code is pointing, there you'll find IntelliJ?
I've used intellij a little bit and it is awesome (albeit a bit slow for my taste). The reason I stick to vscode is remote editing - compiling rust code locally on my laptop is a torture compared to compiling it on a beefy remote box! Remote editing in vscode is very well done, even most extensions work flawlessly without any changes. As I understand, there is nothing comparable for intellij.