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Show HN: Workplace search engine for all of your internal documents (evertrove.co)
8 points by whitezebra on Nov 29, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

This might be amazing - depending on how you plan to do integrations with different service, indexing and caching. Adding new services should be really easy from both user and developer side (well, depending on the service). How do you plan to do indexing? On the go or when connected? And how do you plan to include authorisation levels?

Also do you plan to cache some documents that are often searched? I assume there's a 20% of documents that's searched 80% of the time in each organisation and part of the 20% rapidly changes (so there's a decline of the 20% with information constantly incoming but for simplicity let's leave it at that).

Is there a possibility you will perform "auto tagging" on documents? (by channels on slack, folders on drive, people involved, project names, basically any meta info that might allow to narrow down the serarch?)

Also, I hope you're gonna have a self-hosted version, since I believe that may be a make-or-break for many orgs.

Besides all this, awesome, you found a dope problem to solve, this might be huge!

Wow thanks for the kind words! I'm one of the makers. We still haven't found a solution for some of the problems that you've mentioned, but our focus from the start will be around privacy. I think you've grasped that problem yourself when you mentioned a self-hosted version.

On the technical side, we currently see this as something that can index on-the-fly, and maintain an internal representation of all the people who have the authorization needed to see the document.

I really like the idea of "auto-tagging". There's already research done on algorithms that generate tags from bodies of text. So it shouldn't be too difficult to integrate that into indexing.

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