When you read "government should" that means it's fairly unlikely to happen let alone quick. When you read "government_s_ should" it's next to impossible. Not going to happen. Lee should know better than this. Technological solutions are far more agile and robust then relying on governments all over the world to have a consenses in doing something.
Not sure why you get downvoted so much but I do agree with you on many points. I have never understood the title of "Sir". The random lucky people born to other random lucky people in the little country of UK with literally no other qualification bar or their own achievements decide to call someone "Sir" and then the whole world is supposed to do the same. I'm also taken a back by Lee's rather arrogant and bold claim of "I invented World Wide Web". At best it should be "We". This is complete disregard to all other people who worked on this project and contributed far more than him. His "Contract" theory is unenforceable, impracticle and weak to implement. So this whole thing looks more like self-ego stroking.
They are as legitimate as saying that furries are real animals. It's play time for people suffering from delusions. I have no problem at all with them exercising their delusions in private but such persons have no authority to be dictating to the world under what form of their fascist vision others must be living, because they are intrinsically delusional and hence unsuited to be determining public policy.
How many muslims and jews has he brutally murdered based only on their beliefs? If it's none he's not a very good Knight, is he?
He's not a real Knight because he's not a cruel and depraved psychopath working for the Royal Government to exterminate hated minorities in the pursuit of white supremacy.
That he feels hey OK associating himself and claiming as his own identity the historical racist abomination of knighthood though is exceptionally problematic. Something not right in the head.