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> What we really need is far more subsidies in urban and dense suburban areas. The problem is that with our bifurcated political system in the US the people who make up less than 50% of the population outside the cities will block investment in the cities because they will feel like they’re not getting equal investment.

Cities and metro areas have plenty of taxing authority at their disposal. If they want to institute additional taxes to fund these types of things then they could.

Why should people living in rural areas have to pay for it?

Because rural voters hate the idea of taxes at all and so when given the option they will literally vote to ban metro areas from taxing themselves as they just did in WA.

Why should rural voters pay for a city's transport system? At least city people do drive the rural roads between cities. (though I will agree they are overbuilt - but rural residents would be happy with cheap gravel roads they can afford)

> rural residents would be happy with cheap gravel roads they can afford

doubt it. regardless, federal government revenue goes disproportionately towards funding rural services and welfare, including many services that city residents don't use at all. federal funding of a city's transport system would still not shift that balance.

regardless, you missed the point of the parent comment.

I think you missed the point. These rural voters have passed an initiative that bans a metro area from taxing the metro area to build transit.

also a common phenomena with gun laws and abortion

As if the net flow of funds from the federal government is rural areas paying for city services and not entirely the other way around

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