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kome on Nov 9, 2019 | hide | past | favorite

Gates doesn't want to give up his money because he can actually help more people with it than any government plan.

The government will squander the money like they always do, with absolutely no accountability.

Wealth taxes do nothing but push the wealthy out and leave the middle class to foot the bill.

> The government will squander the money like they always do, with absolutely no accountability.

Was Gates held accountable for pushing an expensive and ineffective test-based teacher evaluation program[1], despite experts' warnings?

[1]: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/answer-sheet/wp/2018/06/...

That is the exact same argument George Soros makes and it does make sense.

Also giving Gates the Trump/Warren binary choice pretty much speaks for itself. I stopped reading after that.

What would you expect from a magizine which takes its name from a group responsible for multiple massacres and public executions.

Note that the magazine takes its name from the Black Jacobins of Haiti, not those of the French Revolution.

In cooperation with Intellectual Ventures, apparently Gates' patents on energy storage are supposed to be so broad they're like patenting nature itself.

There's even one against health care workers and portable power.

Effectively these make it more costly or impossible for those having underdeveloped energy infrastructure to benefit from advances made which would be helpful otherwise, regardless of who makes the advances.

How can you take this seriously when the person who has written this article already moves gates into enemy territory because he didn't say who he would vote for.

Absolute lunacy.

This article is pretty reductive, claiming that regardless of anything else Bill Gates might believe or accomplish, if he doesn't support wealth taxes, he's on the "other" side (scare quotes, not quote quotes).

Here's a more thoughtful article on philanthropist billionaires: https://slatestarcodex.com/2019/07/29/against-against-billio....

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