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I'd be curious how much of a Y Combinator model could be replicated down under (Brisbane boy talking here).

I reckon small investments to kick-start tech-based businesses would fly. I also think we have enough of the right people to properly guide those businesses.

I'm not sure where would you have them base themselves? Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne each seem viable; none are Cambridge or the Valley.

And the big question - for how long could you seriously expect to fund multiple quality ideas twice a year? If Big Brother ran out of talent in 3 seasons, I'd be surprised for a tech-start-up-focussed company to still be finding suitable applicants 3-4 years down the track.

"... And the big question - for how long could you seriously expect to fund multiple quality ideas twice a year? If Big Brother ran out of talent in 3 seasons, I'd be surprised for a tech-start-up-focussed company to still be finding suitable applicants 3-4 years down the track. ..."

I don't know. There's a lot of software, engineering and hackers in the major capitals (Bris, Syd, Mel, Adl, Per) but not many startup "product" companies (sans enterprisy software companies). So it tends to limit the opportunity for people who want to work for Startups who might just think I could do better than this rather than work for consultancies, design and marketing companies or the multi-nationals.

There is no lack of talent and risk takers. There is definitely a lack of Angels, mentors and the other fuzzy bits that provide the stepping stones from taking an idea to Startup to exit ~ http://benbarren.blogspot.com/2008/05/why-is-it-so.html

Linuxcare Australia, which had a seriously impressive list of hackers, was based in Canberra, perhaps due to the proximity to the university? It didn't sound like a very exciting place, but then again, neither is silicon valley.

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