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The parent is right: the boxes are more prominent, the old design looked much "cleaner" and lighter.

Compare the US page


with the AT page


This picture shows the US page details (above) vs the AT page details (under):


(Please refer to the picture if the AT site changes to the new design before you read this.)

I don’t think that’s really the old design you are looking at. Maybe a caching issue on your side.

Archive.org has sporadic and broken coverage of apple.com but here is how the iPod page looked in September 2010: http://web.archive.org/web/20080613084354/www.apple.com/itun...

It has a different general layout and is much more cluttered. Product pages are, as I said, unchanged: http://web.archive.org/web/20080503193605/www.apple.com/ipod... I don’t know about shadows since images on archive.org are broken.

Edit: Those boxes already had shadows in 2008: http://www.flickr.com/photos/zurb/3045535592/ Must be a caching issue on your side that you are not seeing them. Here is also an old screenshot showing nicely how they de-cluttered the category (Mac, iPod) pages: http://www.mac4ever.com/images/images_full/new_imac_design.p...

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