There's no need for examples because initializing objects/structs is such a basic feature of both languages that Apple supports, it should be taken as read that the reader knows how to do it.
Need may be too strong a word, but I've never seen documentation suffer because there were too many high quality examples.
Great documentation uses those examples to shine light on other features that go nicely with (in this case) CIColor or to highlight the right way to do common tasks.
In addition to this, many developers (such as myself) learn best by example. Seeing a new tool in use is almost always the fastest way for me to grok it.
Yeah but, again, we're talking about an initializer. An initializer doesn't need an example other than on the language's documentation page for initializers.
The comparison given was totally unfair, as pointed out by another user. Let's look at something more similar to LINQ's Distinct function.