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That's some great feedback, I really appreciate your time doing that!

I've also found that the captcha is harder with the high image compression.

A tip to avoid the 20 to 30 second fading out, is continuing to move the mouse or tap the screen. This is because, normally, an increasing delay (exponential back-off) is used to fetch the next frame in the absence of user events. User events reset that and fetch the current frame immediately.

It seems like the lack of selection is annoying. And it looks as if this also breaks common editing interaction affordances in some annoying ways. Including and not limited to double and triple clicking text controls.

Ad blocks are included. And they do not succeed in blocking everything. I've hesitated to add ublock origin because of some well-publicized issues with regards to their relationship with the changing API.

Thank you for the compliment about decent page loading.

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