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An app used by young people to post silly videos definitely poses a severe national security risk[1][2].



It is when it's owned by a country who has the specific goal to influence other countries.

It makes it easier when the people in that country who use the app are very easily impressionable children.

The argument isn't crazy when you consider the ability to control and manipulate messaging. It's not different than investigating RT or other foreign funded media.

This angle is correct - since moderators and admin are located in China it is not hard to censor material, create dissent and appeal to a Chinese propaganda model.

From the article that I suspect many did not read: "lawmakers questioned TikTok’s data-collection practices and whether the app adheres to censorship rules directed by the Chinese government that could limit what U.S. users see"

Metadata, GPS location, Camera/Photos and Videos can also leak information about people, specfically children/teens of high ranking officials.

"And the lawmakers said that TikTok could be a “potential target of foreign influence campaigns like those carried out during the 2016 election on U.S.-based social media platforms.”"

Is this fear different than what China says about USA tech like Google/Apple/Microsoft? Nope - same. They treat it differently and force companies to comply with their laws and rules.

It is different in the sense that TikTok does not create any content. It is a platform for other young people to post videos. It is like Youtube where people post and share videos. Yes, people can post political videos and spread disinformation on Youtube, just like on other platform as well. Singling out TikTok for this smells more like protectionism. Facebook has more than 2 billion users worldwide and the US has a population of less than 400 million. The majority of the users come from other nations. According to your theory, Facebook posts severe national security risk to all other countries where Facebook operates because Facebook is a foreign funded and controlled company to other countries.

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