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Are You Really a Strategist? (chrisrorie.com)
2 points by car387 on Jan 22, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

It's a great question to ask, and the point about how strategy is future-focused is a good one. I don't particularly agree with the recommendation: everybody at the company should be strategic, and at a small company there's no room for a full-time strategist. There are plenty of great strategy books out there; Sun Tzu, Crossing the Chasm, Robert Greene's 33 strategies, 'balanced scorecard' and strategy maps ... you want to learn the general principles as well as how to apply them to the kinds of situations a startup is likely to encounter.

Thanks, and yes the rec agrees with your point that everyone at the company should act strategically. This is especially true in a startup. Whether you have a full time strategist cultivating this thinking or not is the question, and it'll largely depend on the size of the company.

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