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Lando: A Liberating Dev Tool for All Your Projects (lando.dev)
27 points by clessg on Oct 20, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 21 comments

Just a suggestion, "A Liberating Dev Tool For All Your Projects" doesn't tell me what the tool actually does, you have to scroll down to "how does it work" (or perhaps the "what can it run" section) to see exactly what the problem it's attempting to fix is. It could say something like "A tool to simplify setting up your development environments" (and "liberating" feels like it would fit well in the bullshit.js script).

My first reaction reading the page was that this was a parody of some kind.

Yep, same. Was thinking it was going to be a parody of another minimal - project management tool.

Have to agree, I had to go 2 levels deep in the doco to figure out what the tools does. I'd expect that info to be prominent in the landing page. Website looks beautiful though!

Came to the comments for a tldr, because I'm still not sure what the hell it is. Tired of this kind of marketing blindness. (I'm on mobile, fwiw.)

A docker composr wrapper.

How far down do I need to scroll before you tell me what the fuck it does, though?

It looks like a docker image for your dev-requirements? Put that shit at the top!

Took me a while to understand what it actually does. Would recommend to put what it actually does near the top next time.

Also: I can't help but think of Johny Ive when you use "liberating" in that manner XD.

I thought this was a joke. Never did figure out what it actually does.

Equally informative:


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Spoiler: the problem this tool tries to solve is developers are too lazy to put a working docker-compose.yml on their repo.

Going to repeat everyone else. What does this do?

It's a wrapper around docker-compose that adds obnoxiousness.

A meta engine on top of docker-compose.

There are dozens of Recipes that spin up canned project templates for RoR Dev work, Drupal, Mean stack etc.

Want to inject a phpmyadmin service? Easy

Want to override a service ... Equally easy.

It uses a .lando.yml file that is very similar to a docker-compose.yml file ...

"Where can I use it? Lando is not meant for production"

Well, off to a great start.

Update 10 minutes later: hmmm I may be starting to understand what Lando is about. So, it's for dev.

+1 for the William Blake reference in your marketing.

TLDR: It's a Docker Compose utility [0].

[0]: https://docs.lando.dev/basics/#what-is-it-good-for

...but it's made by a random tech consulting company (https://thinktandem.io/about/) and it says "for devs" ! they even do "technologies", like Drupal, Node.js, and DevOps ! and they program in 28 languages !

What the fuck does it do?

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