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Moving servers out of US is obviously a step in the right direction. However, it's also understandable if a user wouldn't want to be tracked by 3rd parties, at all.

Even if there's no 3rd party involved, we've seen NSA tapping onto private companies (Google) internal network as well. If any analytics company grows big enough, it's definitely becoming a target for the NSA.

> it's also understandable if a user wouldn't want to be tracked by 3rd parties, at all.

For what it's worth, the author claims that Simple Analytics respects the Do Not Track (DNT) browser setting, so that user would be able to have it his way without needing to install EasyList. But of course that is something that requires a degree of trust, and DNT seems to be a failure for the most part, because of all the other parties that do not respect it.

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