Ah right, great fallacy! Great argument! Love when people throw Denmark, with population of 5M, under the bus while having not a slightest idea of what's actually going on. And why bother researching. Good old bernie sanders already said US can become a Denmark of tomorrow. Right? Right?? :D
That could be a great and passionate discussion over a beer with snacks and pizza. But since we are far removed (on the "internet") I'll just say that socialists tendencies are extremely destructive long term in complex economies/countries. My arguments are a nagging, somewhat harsh (maybe annoying), nudge towards research and unbiased conclusions about the matter. Unless you are a running "democratic" politician, you should get the gist.
I'm baffled every time I encounter the the widespread belief among young american adults that Northern Europe is a socialist utopia. Denmark ranks higher than the US in ease of doing business (regulations, taxation, etc), see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ease_of_doing_business_index#R..., but deregulation is not exactly what people bringing Denmark up as an example have in mind, is it?