I would think that at least on HN we're more sophisticated than that. Just because child trafficking, drug dealing and terrorism are abused by politicians to excuse mass surveillance, doesn't mean they aren't real problems or that surveillance tech isn't able to help with them. Reasonable people consider trade-offs, and not cast everything in light of "sides" and "defending" yours.
1. Easy to use and effective encryption for all people, even pedophiles and terrorists.
2. Backdoored untrustworthy encryption governments will almost certainly abuse in order to surveil entire populations.
Number 1 sounds like a very reasonable principle to have. Governments and police forces have more than enough tools at their disposal to fight crimes. WhatsApp uses end-to-end encryption and my country's police forces routinely catch child molesters that use it. They do not need and should not have a "show me everything there is to know about this guy" button that they don't even need a warrant to press.
Certain things should be inviolable, even to the state, even with a warrant.